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Camera Restoration
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I have gotten a lot of satisfaction from restoring my old cameras to operating condition. While I enjoy sharing the results of my efforts, fixing cameras for others is not something I would undertake. I don't personally know anyone doing camera repairs currently that I can recommend. However, there are a number of sites on the web with good information on renovating the old cameras.
Find answers to repair questions in the Classic Cameras Repair Archive
(The archive is hosted at RangefinderForums. New questions cannot be posted, but a search is likely to turn up good answers from past postings.)

Enter search terms in the box below and press submit:
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What is my camera worth?

That is a question I am frequently asked here. I usually try to give my best guess along with some comments on the importance of condition. A better option, though, is to go to ebay and use the "Advanced Search" feature. Enter the camera brand and model designation, check "completed listings", and then click "Search".
Buying and Selling Vintage Cameras

There are still bargains to be found on line, but there has also been a proliferation of crooks dealing in old cameras. Research your choices before committing to buy or sell.

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